Signature Shoes
of the NBA and WNBA

Looking for the hottest new basketball shoes to hit the court? Look no further! Our database is your go-to source for all the latest launches. From iconic classics to groundbreaking signature models, we've got you covered.

Signature shoes, often designed in collaboration with top athletes, showcase players' unique style and enhance their performance on the court. While the number of signature models varies from season to season, they continue to be a significant part of the basketball shoe landscape.

Our journey begins with the timeless Chuck Taylor All-Stars, a basketball footwear icon. We then explore the game-changing Puma Clyde from the 1970s before diving into the explosion of signature models in the 80s and 90s, led by the legendary Nike and Air Jordan collaborations.

Get ready to revisit classic kicks and discover the latest trends! Check back often for updates on the newest releases.

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Written by Aaron Dodson. Edited by John Gotty.

Produced by ESPN Creative Studio: Janice Algenio, Robert Booth, Dominique DeMoe, Jarret Gabel, Luke Knox, Rami Moghadam, Garrett Siegel, Anthony Spinelli and Rachel Weiss.

Copy edited by Susan Banning, Kat Sherer Brunetto, Joshua Friedman, Kate Howley, Scott Powers, Nicholas Som and Chad Thornburg.

Additional reporting and writing by Caleb Cattivera. Additional writing by Marcus Shorter and Greg Whitt. Photography by Aaron Cooper, AP Photo, Adidas, Converse, Courtesy of Abe Aamidor,, eBay handle: mtappan16, eBay handle: trader.soles, Eric Pleska - AllNightGarageSale, Getty Images, Grosby Philippines Facebook, Imagen, INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, M1506, Jordan Brand, KangaROOS, Michael Cale Darrell/Good Form, New Balance, NIKE, PH Sports Bureau, PF Flyers, PUMA and Tony Lu.